The problem of duplicate data records is faced by almost all
businesses. It results in difficulties in data management and efficiency of
business operations. Data de-duplication software removes identical and
redundant information resulting in neat seamless database records.
Data de-duplication software perform the de-duplication function of capturing the two
records when they refer to the same entity of various inconsistent entries.
Data de-duplication system is ideal for business management especially if
it requires maintaining a huge database.
Data De-Duplication System or Data De-Duplication Software uses the latest and
upcoming technology that helps in protecting data, data back-up, and data
archiving apart from other business benefits. Data deduplication
is also called merge-purge or instance identification.
Data de-duplication system performs work in the following three
- Matching: Identifying
existing records that might be for the same person or type .
- Linking: Referencing the
records for the same individual with each other.
- Merging: Combining multiple
records into one record.
Some Benefits and Features of Data De-duplication System
- Helps in data protection
- Saves time and wasted effort
- Satisfied customers
- Improves disk storage remarkably
- Data cleaning is done effectively
- Matches and merges records
Data de-duplication software @ Single Click Solutions
Single Click Solutions data
de-duplication software involves single source de-duplication and
two-source comparison wizards that allow users to specify duplicate match,
merge and purge criteria. Single Click Solutions data de-duplication software uses
wizard technology and is extremely user friendly.
Find more about data de-duplicator software.
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